
A Mogu Call For Hard Times

As we announced on Apr 7, the Corona virus situation has forced us to call off our 2020 events in Motomachi Park. Sadly, this includes our “Mogu Mogu” Festival of goods and gourmet from around the world.

Although the food, beverage and catering industries are already so affected by the pandemic, our booth collaborators gave us huge understanding and warm words for next year. These people are some of the stars of our event. In these unprecedented times, we are still thinking how we could still work together this summer… In the meantime, we are giving name checks to all the booths from previous years on our WMDF Twitter account (it is in Japanese ^^).

If you see a name of a booth or a restaurant or a shop that you have used, liked, loved or maybe drunk too much at, send them a word of encouragement. It doesn’t have to be tweet, or even online. We’re sure they’d love to get old fashioned letters or postcards!

We hope WMDF’s fans can take just a little time to show their love for some of the people struggling with the economic corona hit. (Usually, at this time of year, we are sending out our MoguFes “call for participation” to potential booth owners… In this strange year, it is the customers….)

Too many booths to choose from? Shout out a “#mogufes2020” call. They will find it, and take heart!