
WMDF Show 2021

This is our experiment on what could be realised in an online space:

  • 12 online lives, including India and Iran, Indonesia & virtual performers
  • 12 online showcase rooms: artists, art projects, science experience & more
  • 6 virtual stages of video content, with contributed content from over 30 artists from over 10 countries, including Australia, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Belarus, Lithuania, Argentina, Netherlands, USA, & Mexico
  • 79 collaborating Hakodate stores: enjoy with food & refreshments from your home, with our delivery online partners!

Artists list:

All free to explore for 24 hours in our online space:

No software installation required, just access from a browser (desktop highly recommended, with Chrome-based browsers performing best). It is a social space: you are free to mute and turn off camera, or to go wild and interact. There is a capacity limit, so please log out if inactive.

If an online space is not for you, follow our curated festival experience 24 hour live stream:

It is a first trial at this kind production, so please just enjoy all the hitches. Maybe there are some hints for online events, community collaboration, and internationalisation.

Here are the times of individual lives. Enjoy!

30th (Sat)
@17:00~ オープニング&オンライン芸術祭の紹介 / Opening & Tour of Online Festival Space
@17:45 チョイスちゃん / Choice Chan
@18:10 クラバー&マロン/ Clabar&Maron
@20:00 亀しょうから生中継/ Live broadcast from Kamesho
@20:45 芸術祭バーコンコルド21からの中継/ Live broadcast From WMDF bar
@21:30 スミタ・ナグデブ/ Smita Nagdev (India)
@22:30 ナヴァイエメール/ Navayemehr(Iran)
@23:30 / Parahyena (Indonesia)

@8:00~紀のあさ/ KINOASA
@9:00~江本&ワタナベ/ Emoto& Watanabe
@10:00~星 祐介/ Yusuke Hoshi
@13:00~15:00 VR Live: アンビエントフロー/ Ambientflow
@14:00~リリー・ロイ/ Lily・ Loi

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