A Decision on WMDF 013

With deep regret, we have reached the decision that Edition number 013 of WMDF, set for our usual summer dates of Aug 5-11 cannot be held as planned. There were just too many hurdles for us to overcome. You can find the full details on this News post. We are so sorry to all the overseas artists who planned for so long, and to all our fans. We wish everybody fortitude going forwards in the dark times of this epidemic.

Online Planning Meeting

meeting-1020146_1280Although Hokkaido was released from any movement and gathering restrictions, WMDF is going to try its first online planning meeting of Core members. We suppose it is a small positive progress for us from a bad situation.

We would like to thank all the people from around the world who have been in contact with us recently. With the news changing so fast, it is hard to know what to say to everybody. We just really hope for the health of the world.

For events, it is now clear that Olympics due for 2020 in Tokyo will be delayed until at least 2021. With these kind of huge changes, it is difficult to think about WMDF, but we have a little more time to make our decision together. Many locals have told us that WMDF is the thing they look forward most each year. We will do our best!

By the way, we really liked an article we found on the Washington Post, which uses graphics to illustrate the importance of social distancing. Click on the image below, and please stay safe, everybody.


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“Children of the World” (7th Edition) Event Cancellation Notice

We regret to announce the cancellation of this event. Here is our translation of the official statement of the “The Children of the World Committee”.

In the final stages of the planning and preparations for our "7th Children of the World Festival" on Sun March 1, we regret to announce the cancellation. This was after giving reflection and consideration of the report of a case of Coronavirus in the sub-prefecture of Oshima.

We are very sorry for this unfortunate news for all the children and their relatives and friends, and also all the audience who were looking forward to the event, but we judged this was necessary to avoid any potential of international spread of the disease. We hope for the return to a safe environment for all as soon as possible, and we ask for your understanding.

As collaborators on the CoW event, WMDF played a part in this decision. Since WMDF artists and others overseas will be checking our site, let us add some little extra information.

The situation with this outbreak is very fluid and changing every day. So, it is hard to predict the progress. Locally, organisations such as the City Hall and businesses are taking measures for vigilance, such as stopping where possible with plans that involve the gathering of people or the mixing of people from different areas. Quite a few winter events have announced postponements or cancellations.

Amid such a background, we are starting to encounter the main WMDF deadlines for groups in May and April. We will be continuing our planning as usual, while monitoring the situation. As well as the news in Japan, there are already reports of cases in some of the countries we are working with for this year’s event. We think that at this time, health is the number one priority, so we hope that you all stay safe. A secondary focus that will grow over time if the health situation persists is the impact on local livelihoods and society. In Hakodate, WMDF will be working with other local event planners and organisations to apply our thinking power to reduce the impacts on our community as much as possible. We share with you our wishes that you and your communities will also stay strong.


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