Stay-at-Home Arts #3: World Dance Passport (and WMDF!)

If you are at home and looking for cultural diversion, we can recommend our just-released video playlist from the last version of our event.

2019 WMDF012 Playlist on YouTube

Thanks so much to “Simple Way” for the gift of their production services. Channel link is below, and we will be adding more from the collection over the coming weeks, so please check back:

Plus, we have some news about a free online event featuring the group “Oyu Oro”. This company boasts a string of sold-out productions to rave reviews in New York and beyond. They were a big part of plans for this year’s abandoned plans for Motomachi Park. We were so disappointed to not be able to deliver you our collaboration with them this year.

But! Thanks to their kind offer, we are able to publicise here the free chance to view them online. They will take part in the online “World Dance Passport” event on the coming Monday. Click on the image above for more details. Or, just go straight ahead and register now! The button below takes gets you an instant seat if you have an eventbrite account, or if you register with a name and email.

The event takes place from 5am to 8am on Monday 4 May, Japan time, so you may have to rise a little earlier than normal, but we think it will be worth it!

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Stay-at-Home Arts #2: The Social Distancing Festival

24million viewers watched the “Together At Home Special to Celebrate COVID-19 Workers” last weekend. It is an amazing example of the power of arts and global thinking.

There are many other things happening that are less well-known, but no less amazing.

We hear about ideas from so many people, and we would like to share with you.

Today, we recommend the “Social Distancing Festival”. Artists around the world are coming together to form communities at a time when we need it more than ever!

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