Author Archives: FesDir

Just a Quick Rest…

Hello! My name is Ito… I… got a little tired today. My job is the park setup. And another job is to organise the MoguFes booths. Maybe it’s too many jobs. Just a little rest. Please ask someone else. Just a few minutes more… And, I will do my best for the site takedown tomorrow.

(Photo by TOK)

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Hello! I am George.

Are you having a nice day? I am George, and I came from Tokyo for WMDF. I wear lots of instruments. I like cool weather but today it is hot! Or is it going to rain? Hakodate weather is so confusing… I play a WMDF theme tune in the Park. Come and listen. You can have a good time!

Photo by Eight
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Hello! Can you Hear Me?

My name is Terao. You can call me Terry! I am the MC for WMDF. Maybe you’ve seen me on the Main Stage? Nice to meet you. Did you know there are lots of cool things in Motomachi Park today? Oh yes. I think you should come. Really! There are clowns and drums and violin and banduras and kankles. And that’s just on the big stage! The Park is full with other things I don’t get to see… Please come! Take some pictures and share them somewhere online I can see. I want to enjoy! Thank you!

(photo by Glaretone)

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