Author Archives: FesDir

Ready for the Weekend!

Stages continue apace, with Rikuo joining us on Atlas, and Garage Chanson Show saying their farewells for this year.

(Photos by Glaretone)

Motomachi Park is a mix of worlds—cultures, music, and art collide! Get here early to experience it all this weekend. As you explore, maybe you’ll discover some new perspectives…

Spot the WakuFes crew unwinding after two intense days—you might catch them recharging for more! Here’s hoping you too find fresh energy around the site.

Video credit: 加藤隼平_jumpeikatoh
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Day 4 adds some “Waku Waku”

Kids descended on our “Waku Waku Festival” to test their skills at bouldering, Beyblade and more.

Photos by Glaretone

Meanwhile, an ever-changing lineup was showing off a different array of artistic talent in the Park. The long weekend is coming, so make your plans to join us!

Check out our daily digest on YouTube, and please subscribe!

Video credit: 加藤隼平_jumpeikatoh
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Day 3 INs and OUTs

Today saw our last stages this year for Zahatorte and Kachimba, but we welcomed incoming artists Kateryna, Garage Chanson Show, Yui George and Bonbangoo. Don’t miss out! Join us in the park.

Artists also have a full program of Outreach performances spreading festival excitement at schools, kindergartens and any other places with an adventurous spirit.

Photos by Glaretone

Even more highlights are uploaded daily to our YouTube channel. Subscribe and let us know what you think ^^

Video credit: 加藤隼平_jumpeikatoh
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